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Limping JRT puppy

20 11:23:51

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
I will ask my mom to set up an appontment ASAP.
He's already neutered, but thanks for your concern. :)

Thanks again,
The text above is a follow-up to ...

I have a 6 m/o JRT puppy. Latley, he has been limping after any sort of
excersize. For instance, we will take him out side and play soccer, and
Skipper is fine while playing, but once  we go inside, he starts limping on his
right front.
I havent taken him to the vet yet, trying to save $$, and was wondering if
maybe he's having growing pains? Or he just gets sore and its nothiing
serious. We were planning on doing agility w/ him when he gets a little older,
so we really dont want a lame dog. Any ideas or suggestions would be
Thanks so much,
Annah -

I know that you're wanting to save a few bucks, but getting this checked out
is essential if you want to do any doggie sports with him - especially agility.  
There are a number of things that could be going on, and it's important to
rule out the serious ones.... and no, dogs don't get growing pains in their legs
the way fast growing teenagers can (I had horrible ones).

and of course, be sure he's neutered !!

Good luck - I hope he gets better cause agility is a blast


Annah -

Good luck to you and your kiddo !  Jacks are a riot and can be exceptionally nice dogs if their energy is well focussed.

I just would hate to think it's something minor when it could be something serious - there are a couple of inherited diseases which can cause trouble with young dogs like yours and need early intervention.

Good luck !
