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Soft Coated Wheaten

20 11:20:42

Brady is 5 years old and I have owned him since he was 3 months old.

How can I get my Wheaten to stop jumping on people?

Brady gets ear infections and has a lot of waxy buildup. I have been told not to have the hair plucked and I have been told I should have the hair plucked. Should the hair in his ears be plucked?  And if so, should I have a groomer do it, a vet, or can you describe the process to me so I can do it?

Thank you!!

Well its likely that Brady has been allowed to jump on people his whole life.  Every time he jumps on someone he jumps on someone have them knee him off saying NO. And don't pet him till he sits and is quiet.  This has to be done consistantly otherwise its not going to work.  AND it won't happen over night since he is 5 yrs old.  

I think that the plucking of the hair should be an individual dog process. Some dogs do fine with it and others do not and they end up with more infections.  If your dog has never had this done then I suggest not.  If so have a groomer do it while he is being groomed.  I wouldn't suggest you doing it.  There are lots of folds in there that can get pinched.

Thank you.