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adding second dog to family

20 11:22:26

My family is considering adding a second dog to our house.  We have 3 kids and a 1 year old Cairn.  Our Cairn is female and extremely well behaved.  She knows I am the boss and she couldn't be happier.  She is also non-aggressive with all 3 kids and dogs.  She didn't come out of the box that way we have been very consistent with her.  We have decided on a German Shorthair but can't decide male or female.  I would prefer a female but came across articles warning against adding same sex dogs to terrier families.

Any info greatly appreciated,

Libby -

My response would generally be to opt for the opposite gender.  Most cairns, especially females, really enjoy their princess status (even if she's not spoiled) and are not crazy about giving up their throne to another dog.

But for some reason, that's not an issue with dogs of an opposite gender.  It's probably some kind of pack dynamics thing, but it's just generally a better option.

Just be conscious of the fact that a German Shorthair will be a very very very active dog til it's 2-3 yrs old.  I also do English Setter rescue and am constantly reminded that many people do not expect bird dogs to be highly active.

I'm sure you will make out fine with any decision you make - You seem to be well considered and dedicated to making your family's experience (including the pets) a wonderful one.
