Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > HELP WITH PUPPY


20 11:26:52

I am a middle school student and so is my brother. We are gone for 6 hours a day. We do however have a stay at home mom who is on a stress level 100+ right now. She has agreed to take care of him while we are at school but we are responsible for our 6 month old mini-shnauzer (Chester)at any other time. Lately Chester has been peeing on the floor, chewing on and peeling off the wall, chewing on the corners, ringing the potty bells and not going to the potty. . . ect. He doesn't seem to get it when we punish him and my mom is at the conclusion that he is too STUPID to train.I really want to keep Chester but it seems like my mom has given up all hope of that. SO, this gives me two questons. . . How can I convince my mom that this behavior is correctable and there IS hope? and What can I do to keep my dog occupied with something we DONT have to supervise to keep him from getting into anything and everything? Please help SOON before our dog is gone!

Yes your dog is TRAINABLE.  Its people you have to train.  The dogs aren't stupid just bored.  A 6 month old puppy is like having a toddler around the house.  Mom just didn't let you run amuck all over the house to do what ever you pleased, did she?  The puppy needs to be entertained with all sorts of toys that he can chew on and explore.  Crates are like cribs that you put the puppy in when not supervised.  I can't stress how important this is.  Crating helps prevent you or anyone else in the house from being frustrated and mad at the dog.  He is doing what comes natural to him.  
 Go to the pet store and see what toys you can get that will keep his attention for long periods of time.  There is a toy called a can fill this toy with peanut butter and cookies and the dog has to work to get these things out.  
 I hope this helps.  If you have to get rid of Chester please feel free to email me and I can help in placing him.  Good luck.