Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > 6 month old wire fox terrier

6 month old wire fox terrier

20 11:22:21

has to grab and chew everything he can reach. He has ample chew toys, but needs other items within reach

Harry -

Welcome to the world of puppies.  This behavior is entirely normal, but it certainly is time that he start his training not to do such things.

The best bet is to simply interrupt his behavior when he reaches for something he should not have.  In my house I usually say "eh, eh, eh" moderately loud - just enough to interrupt, and then swap for something appropriate.

So, you would interrupt him reaching for a magazine, and then hand him a toy (or interest him in a toy somehow).

These days we aim for positive ways of training - and an interruption like this is not considered negative like yelling, yanking or hitting would be.

If he simply does not get the drift of this and continues after the item despite your attempt to trade, I would crate him for a few minutes and completely ignore him.

Then let him out and start with a clean slate.

It is also definitely time for an obedience class.  You have a terrier on your hands and he is about to enter his teenaged period.  The classes will help you learn to communicate better with him and how to get him to do what you want. There's a whole lot more to it than merely teaching him to sit.

Good luck !
