Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > dog search...

dog search...

20 11:23:19

I'm looking for a dog to get for our family. My mom wants a dog that is relatively
small and doesn't shed that much. I was looking at bored terriers and boston you have any recommendations?

Hannah -

I don't mean to laugh, but I am sure you meant border terriers.  I always tell folks that a bored terrier is a recipe for disaster.

If you are inexperienced dog owners, and give your requirements, I would NOT recommend any of the more typical terrier breeds. They are feisty and have a certain temperament that a lot of people do not like.

However, Boston terriers do not fit into that category and are a very very funny and active breed.  Other low shedding breeds that are good choices for the less experienced owner are bichon frises and poodles.

Good luck with your search, and please, please, please do not buy from a pet store.  I will explain more if you want to know why I say that.

Beth Adams
Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network