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My JRT shakes

20 11:23:39

I got a JRT 4 months ago and she shakes.  She was 4 months old when we got her.  The first couple of days she was kind of shaking just a little bit and I assumed it was nervousness etc.  Well of course, over the last four months she has continued to shake. It seems not to get any better but only worse.  I have wondered if she was cold (she doesn't have much hair and is skinny you know) but it's 68 degrees in our house and . . . It seems to be mostly in her rear legs and is more prominent when she's sleeping.  What could cause this and is there anything I can try to do about it?

Kelly -

I had to double check the age you're giving because I answered almost exactly the same question on another board.  That dog was 4 yrs old, and if I'm reading right, yours is only 8 months.

There are 3 major causes for shivering/shaking - anxiety/fear, a fever or illness and feeling cold.

You should rule out the illness part first with a good checkup at the vet's.  

Then, unless she appears high strung through other behaviors, you should assume she's cold.  That's easy enough to test by putting her under a blanket or putting a sweater (I prefer the fleece kind instead of the cheap knit kind because they let less air through) on her and watch to see if it keeps happening.

I have a jack, and Connor is quite convinced that winter was invented just to torture him. He has been either in a tight ball, curled up with my foster cairn or under the covers on my bed almost all the time for the past couple of months.  He hates this wet weather.....

Please let me know how you make out
