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Training my Carin Terrier

20 11:22:27

Hi, Beth I hope you can help me with this.  I have a 4 month old male Carin.  He is a great dog, very loveable, I can't leave the room without him barking until I get back, he want's to be with me at all times.  However, I have one problem with him.  If he is out in the yard and I call him, he will not come to me.  He will lie down and just stare at me or if I try to walk over to pick him up, he runs from me.  If he is wondering around the house and I call him, he will not come, I have to go seek him out.  I have even tried showing him a treat to get him to come to me and he still will not.  What can I do to train him to come to me when I call him.  Is there anything I can do or is this totally hopeless with Carin's?  



Lisa -

You cracked me up about whether or not it is hopeless with cairns.  While they are very independent, they are also very very smart.

You need to practice with him on a leash to start, and then a long line or rope, and gradually make the distance you call him from longer and longer.  Only increase the distance when he is running to you at the original length.

You stand or kneel at the far end of the leash and call him.  When he comes to you, give him a "party".  You praise in a high tone of voice and give tiny bits (pencil eraser size) one after another for about 20-30 seconds..... Then you do it again.... and again.  If he doesn't come right away, reel him in and give him the party....

Two sessions a day of 3-4 times each session should get him coming to you in no time flat.

Another command you are going find really useful is "Look at me"  This one is easy to train by taking a piece of treat past his nose and to the corner of your eye and saying "Look at me."  Soon you will not be taking the treat past his nose, and soon after that will just be pointing to your eye and saying it.

It's very helpful in working with a dog who can get distracted. It brings them back to focussing on you.

You have about 2 yrs before your baby will be out of his teenage years (which he hasn't even entered yet).  It's vital to work with him now so those months are not a problem.

Good luck and have a really good time.
