Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > twitching


20 11:21:40

I was interested to see another question about a terrier twitching.  Our Jack Russell started having small intermittent spasms, or twitching.  We don't know if he is sick, maybe ear infection or what.  When he is lying down with us in the bed, you can feel her twitch.  Last night I was watching her and she was awake when she was twitching, not sleeping or dreaming.  I am noticing it today too.  Any suggestions?  She did get outside today and eat some grass and throw it up.

Teresa -

The grass should not have anything to do with it, since that is a very normal behavior for dogs. My jack russell loves to imitate the cattle and graze through my back yard (in the summer of course).

You may want to make sure she's warm enough. My jack has been imitating a pill bug all winter by curling up in a tight ball or getting under the down comforter.

If you're certain it's not shivering, it might be worth a trip to the vet to make sure she doesn't have something more serious going on.

Again, I'm not a vet, so I'm giving my first impressions.
