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question on yorkies

20 11:18:15


Please reply as soon as you can as I have to make a fast decision and need your wisdom....

I am about to get a yorkshire terrier and am in a dilemma.  Since you have worked with so many terriers I thought you might know this...

The puppies are 17 weeks and come from a legitimate breeder.  The pup I fell in love with only weighs 2.5 pounds at 17 weeks.  Going by the growth chart, that means he'll only get to 3.5 to 4 pounds.  

Does a smaller yorkie have more health issues?  Should I go with the other one that's about a pound heavier?  He was cute too, but had less eye contact than the smaller one.

I know you don't have a crystal ball but you have seen a lot of dogs.  Please tell me what you think.

Thanks so much.

If you have a legit  breeder and there are no health issues with the parents or siblings it's a safe bet they will all be  sound however to be sure take the dog to the vet immediately regardless which one you pick and have it checked for the usual toy dog issues.
Yorkies are not in the terrier group but the toy group.  
Knees can be a Problem
Other than that check the teeth and heart
I like the fact they are older than 8-12 weeks it means thy are better socialized and will be less needy- hopefully :-)