Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > dog collecting junk

dog collecting junk

20 11:18:42

QUESTION: why does my wired fox terrier dog 7 months old collect sticks, old cds etc. when he is let out into the yard and set them on the back porch? And when we sweep them away he recollects more of the same sticks larger or longer than he is.

ANSWER: Hi Diane,
You have an intelligent dog- All terriers want to engage their pack. You have an exceptionally clever one. He wants you to play with him and this is his way to attract your attention.
Terriers will always have the strongest personalities and play mind games with you. It is the main reason they make such great companions. They never stop. They are alert and engaging their whole lives.
Which is why we love them. Have fun!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Now can u give advice how to housebreak my fox terrier not to soil in the house?Also i want to no what are signals from him to be let out.

Regular walks after feedings- say 30 -45 minutes are mandatory requirements and it must be consistent. Consistency is the most important thing I can stress to you. Dogs are creatures of habit- the most misunderstood thing about dogs is their devotion to regularity and continuity. So walk your dog the same time every day - terriers need the stimulation and diversity to avoid boredom and destruction. Minimum 4 walks a day. Remove water at night and when you are gone during the day.  If you notice your dog drinking large amounts of water be sure he will need to be walked within 30-60 minutes to avoid indoor accidents.
As for signs, each dog has their own individual ones but standing by a door or looking at a wall is usually a good indication. Many terriers can be trained to ring bells- like sleigh bells attached to a door handle. You can probably find videos on or online somewhere of dogs doing this.
Most important though is to train them to go in the same spot, at the same time every day. There is a difference between going for a walk and doing the business. Business first - pleasure second.
hope this helps!