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My Yorkie

20 11:20:31

I have a 16 month old male. He has recently started or should I say stopped holding up his ears. I have always "massaged" them with one hand, cupping his head in my hand & gently rubbing them. Have I, over time, caused them to relax? Or maybe confused him so that he thinks he's not supposed to hold them up? What can I do to reverse this? Or has the damage been done?

Kathy -

Ears standing up is partly genetic and partly nutritional... and sometimes that doesn't even account for why ears are up or down.

I know some people add extra calcium or protein to the food, but I am not sure how much good that will do. Perhaps some yogurt in his food since it has both things in it and is good for him ?

I am not familiar with this aspect of this breed - Sorry !

I can't imagine he is not holding them up on purpose... Unless you have been scolding him and instead of being floppy, he's laying them back against his neck.
