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terriers (dog)

20 11:23:07

i am interested in buying a hairy terrier and breeding them. what would be the name of this particular terrier and where would i possibly find one at locally?

Carmella -

I am not entirely sure I understand your question and the goals you have in mind.

Terriers have a very different personality than other dogs, and do not do well as just breeder dogs. They can become troublesome in the home of someone not familiar with their personality as well and they require more training than other breeds.

I also can never advocate someone getting involved with breeding unless they are experienced and knowledgeable about their specific breed. Otherwise, the person cannot know what the breed's health problems may be and make educated choices about mating pairs.

I am sure you are not happy with this answer, but I feel I have to be very honest on this topic. As someone who is active in rescue, I too often see the results of poorly planned breedings.

Good Luck and I'm sorry I can't be of help
