Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > 6 month old Male Yorkie

6 month old Male Yorkie

20 11:21:50

QUESTION: I have a 6 month old Male Yorkie and a 5 year old Female Westie  The Female just went into heat this week and since I thought the Yorkie was to young to do any thing I was not concerned about them breeding. This morning I heard the female  yelping and ran downstairs to find them attached. Is the male to young to get her pregnant?

ANSWER: YES they can breed at 6 months of age and get a bitch pregnant.  I suggest that you either get a mis-mate shot OR get the westie spayed ASAP. Otherwise you are going to contribute to worlds over population.  The world doesn't need anymore mixed puppies.  

Good Luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Honestly, I was very taken back by your response to tell me that if my Westie is pregnant to have them aborted.  
I guess if My Westie got pregnant from another Westie it would be ok  because it would not be a "Mixed Puppy"!

I do not believe in abortion but it appears that you do.

Like it or not, frankly I don't care.  Unless you have worked at a shelter that puts dogs down then you have no right to say anything.  I have seen stupid people just like you that has no business owning an intact dog or bitch, muchless of two different breeds, breed dogs and then if they can't sell them or give them away they end up in the pound.  Even the ones they sell end up in the pound.
You should be taken back!!!!  You are the one that has no clue!  Don't be the one to contribute to the over population!!!!!  When you own a breedable dog YOU are the responsible one! Its people like you that have sparked AB 1634 here in California.  Read about it.  I have not bred a litter of puppies in over 12 years.  But this will affect my future in dogs and its its people just like you!!
Good luck.....Get a reality check!
Good luck.