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cairn or carin?

20 11:18:51

i am researching the terrier breeds to find a good match for my family. currently i have a terrier mix, we are not sure how much pitbull she has but know there is some. she is sweet and playful but aggressive to all strangers and other dogs, even children. she sheds like crazy and still potty's in the house at 10 months. she barks at everything and does not stop even if i command her to. i do watch cesar milan but i cant seem to control those bad behaviors. i feel bad about wanting to trade her , but i am stressed as a single mom as it is. she is crate trained while i go to work cause she cant be left alone without destroying my house. i am not sure if she is done growing yet and she is about 45 lbs. we live in a townhome without a yard to play in although we have a small concrete back porch.i have someone who is willing to adopt her that can provide a yard and more exercise. i have a three year old that loves to play with her but the dog is so big and rough, she gets knocked down alot. and she s so..I was looking into the cairn terriers to see if they would be a good match. i would like a dog that is playful with my 3 yr old and patient, does not shed much, is good with other dogs (we love the doggie park)and other people.can you reccommend the cairn( or is it carin?)or possibly another breed that fits our family?

Cairns are not generally a good match for families with small children.  Cairns are very independent and do not tolerate even the most accidental tail pull.  This is a generality, and of course there are many cairns who are wonderful with children.

However, cairns also don't make good first pets. They are very smart and mischevious and can end up being a problem. We get many into rescue that people bought because they are adorable, but once they hit their teens are too assertive for the family to handle. Training is mandatory.

Here is some reading about the breed. While funny, it's also true.

There are some other breeds which are more likely to work out well for your situation. I happen to be fond of miniature schnauzers or westies for families like yours.

Here's a pretty good tool for choosing a suitable breed too:

Best wishes and I hope you enjoy your new family member.
