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School Question

20 11:24:09

I am doing a project in school and I wanted to know why you think that people fear bull-baiting terriers such as pit-bulls even though scientists say that they aren't born to be vicious and aggressive?

I have a couple of thoughts.

First, despite the word "terrier" in their name, pits are more closely related to bulldogs and mastiffs, etc than to the terriers such as airedales, westies, etc. so the core temperment is very different.

Second, I have had experience with pits, particularly rescued pits, and my impression is that they are just plain INTENSE dogs, and if not given something productive to do are prone to problems - which is also true of so many other, albeit totally different breeds like border collies, etc.  I think that a bored dog often becomes a problem dog - especially in these "smarter" breeds.  My Jack Rusell is always a problem if he's not kept busy learning something - obedience, earthdog, agility, etc.

Thirdly, I do believe that most people just do not have the dog know-how to be responsible and good owners for these smarter intense breeds.  I can't tell you how many cairns get surrendered to rescue because they become behavior problems when the people are not in charge of the household.

Lastly, I think you should watch this video WITH YOUR PARENTS' PERMISSION.  I suggest they watch it first in fact. It's pretty graphic and very very sad.

Beth Adams
Hobart NY
Col Potter Cairn Rescue Network
Above & Beyond English Setter Rescue