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boston terrier has penny smell coming from her vagina

20 11:18:25

I was wondering if this is a normal thing that happens every so often. We had her spayed in April of this year. About every two weeks she has an odor that smells like a penny coming from either her vagina area. Could it be her anal glands that need released. We had taken her to the vet about 3 months ago and the vet did release her anal glands. Is this something that needs to happen every two months with boston terriers, or is this caused by something else?

Strange description...but any odor that is strange needs to be check by a vet. You can learn to express anal glands yourself if indeed that's what the odor is. Have the vet show you how. Not just your breed but a lot of the small/toy breeds have an issue with that so you need to be aware of the signs:
scooting the butt on the floor
stopping short, then sitting
skunky odor or discharge
Inflamed looking anus
Take her to the vet and  have it diagnosed - there are some groomers who will do it for you but more and more- less and less will do it because of liability should there become a problem.
good luck Kelle
and Happy New Year.