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my jack russell.....

20 11:23:24

well, myself and my girlfriend own a puppy named shane. She is 8 months old, and still insists on peeing on the kitchen floor, even though the door is mostly open during the day. she tends to poo outside when she feels the urge, but still this is rare! As you may be able to tell, this is frustrating for myself and my girlfriend, as Shane appears to be a bright and clever dog. however her strong will seems to be getting the better of us!

also, Shane has not yet been spayed, and has still not yet gone into season. any suggestions as to when she will start?

many thanks, Liz xx

Liz -

Terriers are infamous for being more difficult to housebreaking. I have always thought of it as just another way that they show their terrierist attitude.

I always housetrain my foster dogs using a combination of crating, frequent scheduled trips outside and a panty (or bellyband if male).  I crate them whenever I am not home since they are much less likely to tinkle in their crate. It's important that the crate be just big enough for them to turn around comfortably, otherwise they will just pee in the front and lay in the back.

It's essential to take them out about 15 minutes after you feed, as soon as you come home, and at least once an hour til they get the hang of it.

It is also essential that you clean up behind her with an enzyme based cleaner - there are a number on the market, and not just a normal cleanser. Otherwise, the pheromones of the urine remain (even if we can;t smell them) and it encourages the dog to reuse that spot.

I also strongly encourage obedience classes. Not completely because she will learn obedience, but because it helps you learn how to think "doggie" and understand her motivations better.

I do not breed, so I have no idea when they go into their initial season, but she is plenty old enough to be spayed and few vets say they need to go through 1 season before spaying any more.

Good luck !
