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House training.. and seperation anxiety

20 11:24:00

I really need your help. I am on my last end of potty training my puppy. I'm not going to give her up  I love her to death, but she is just very high demanding..but I am tempted to put diapers on her. She will not get potty trained. I am with her 24 hours a day 7 days a week.. She just is stubborn. I have to take her out every 20 minutes and she does go pee each time but as soon as she comes in she will go pee or poop on the carpet. Right now she is on a 10 foot leash with me at all times with walks and toys.. She has more toys than some children.. I just do not understand the problem. Also, what do you recommend on sep. anxiety. She gets extremely anxious when I leave to go to the store or something? Do you suggest some alone time every day or what? She is left in a crate while I am gone. I try to have her sleep in a crate but she will get all sweaty and just extremely unimaginable I always give in because I love her so much, which I know is bad. But I cant bear to watch her suffer in the crate alone.. The only thing I can think of is we rescued her when she was 3-4 weeks old. I had to feed her with a bottle etc.. and she now thinks I am her mom and does not like to be seperated. I can't take my dog with me everywhere I go, if I could I would.. She is extrememly protective also when other people come around.. and so i dont really trust her around other people. I have done SOOOOOO much to socialize her... just does not work.. I love this dog but she is more demanding than a child..
Thank you for listening. Please help.

Hi Kiley,
 Basically you answered your own question and have the same opinion on how you have been treating her.  YES you need to crate her more and NOT give in.  Feed her in there, sleep her in there and leave her in there when you leave.  If she is going potty every 20 minutes and then in the house you should have a vet take a look at her that she doesn't have a urinary tract infection.  20 minutes is not normal.  Crate her every other time.  If you take her out hourly then every other hour crate her.  DO NOT open the crate door if she is whining.  NOT acceptable at all.  As far as being protective you need to not tell her its alright everytime she doesn't want to go near anyone.  IT'S NOT ALRIGHT to be that way and in turn you are telling it is alright to be that way.  Don't give her all her toys at once.  Pick them up and rotate them weekly.  That way she doesn't get bored.  
 Stop treating her like a child.  Just imagine the spoiled child in the store....screaming.....throwing a don't want to be around them.  Well people will not want to be around your dog.  You want to socialize her as much as possible.  She may of had a rough start and she isn't tramatized.  You are making her that way.  
 Hope this helps......