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does not want to go out.

20 11:23:47

My rat terrier has to be either carried out to wet and when he goes out he just stands there and will not go down the stairs to the yard to wet.  Another thing he will wet when we come in even as I am trying to get him to go out...I am really worried...Thank you so much

He's being a brat.....   Here are some techniques I would try.

1.  Carry him out onto grass someplace where you know other doggies have peed (hydrants, poles, signs, etc) If that's not handy, there are also little pee scented posts you can find and just push into the ground someplace handy. Petsmart sells them and they're called pee posts.

2.  Be prepared to wait a very long time and just insist on not going back into the house til he goes.

3.  Make a big deal (without scaring him) when he does do it.... give him a special treat - tiny piece of cheese - and tell him what a good boy he is without picking him up.

4.  Make sure he is willing to go back up the stairs into the house. Remember that if he came from a pet store or puppymill, he may not know how to do stairs.  Be shameless with tiny bits of very high value treats til he's getting the hang of it.

5.  Some dogs are anxious for some privacy, so a longer leash can be handy.  Some dogs need to be tied for a short time while the person just steps out of sight.... depends on how neurotic they are.

6.  Make sure to take him out immediately upon coming home, within 15 minutes of any meal and about every hour or 2 til he starts getting the hang of it.

7.  Crate him when you're not home. He's probably already peeing in the house if you don't do that, and any pee scent in the house will encourage him to do it again.

Make sure the clean up any accidents with a product with enzymes which is specifically made for this purpose. Nature's Miracle is the most commonly known brand, but there are numerous others. For carpeting, I recommend Get Serious

I also strongly recommend the use of "belly bands" also sold by places like Petsmart.  They wrap around the waist and covern the weiner so the dog only wets himself if he goes inside the house.  They help a couple of ways - 1 - it protects the house, 2 - it's embarassing to the dog, and 3 - if he goes in it, he makes himself wet. Make sure to check & change them though so he doesn't get irritated skin.

I'm certain that if you follow through and are PERSISTENT, he will get the drift.  If you are not presistent or give up in a couple of days, you can expect a dog who will wee-wee inside for the rest of his life.
