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Jack Russle/Rat Terrior

20 11:24:29

Hello. We have a Jack/Rat Terrior. 9 months of age. He is a very well behaved dog. Otto is his name. The only problem is that he pees in the house. He doesn't let us know when he needs to go out. So we take him out 2 times every hour. He holds it. When your not looking he pees the bed and other various places. What can we do? Tricks? Thank you for your time and knowledge.
 Alicia, Jackie, & Otto

Ahhh, the infamous question, and terror of most terrior training. Te best thing to do is to put him on a strict feeding diet. Feed him at certain alloted times during the day (and when i say feeding i mean water and food at the same time) Dont allow otto free access to food and water whenever he pleases... at least not while he is training. Pick a time of day that best fits your scheudle to start his first feeding. Give him food and water, and let him out either immediately after he eats, or wait 30 minutes or so. The first few times, time him to see how long it takes after he eats so you can be on the dot in knowing when you have to let him out. Do this four or so times a day. It all depends on how much he eats, but as a puppy he should be eatting quite alot. Give him water more liberally but be prepared to take him outside almost immediately. This is a very tedious process because it consists of ALOT of watching and observing, and you must be consistant. However, this will allow you the most control of where he is going to pee, as it takes a while for him to pick up where he is supposed to go. this should eliminate most of his peeing in the house if you are good about taking him out when he is finished eatting/drinking.

Then, to create a habit for him to let you know when he has to go, tape a string of bells to the door that he is let out at, or somewhere close by, near the floor so he can reach. Every time you take him outside, make him ring the bells with his nose, and praise him when he does with a 'good boy'. then let him outside to pee. if he does his waste outside, give him a treat. Half the battle of making him go outside is waiting. Being outside for a puppy is very stimulating so he is still too excited about being outside to care to pee. After awhile he will get over this.. and if he realizes there is a treat at the end if he pees outside he is more likely to link the two good behavors together. whatever you do... dont ever hit the dog, or shove his face in his waste if he does it in the house. this wll only make him think that peeing is bad, and that he should eat it.  if you catch him while he is doing it, tell him NO, you have to go outside, and take him outside. If you just find a spot. you and the puppy clean the spot up and then you take the paper you cleaned the pee with, outside (after ringing the bell of course)  you rub the paper on to the grass, and you let him stand outside for a second. its a painful process but positive reinforcement is the best way to go. Hope all goes well!

Miss Petxpert