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bowel movements for Jack Russell Terrier

20 11:24:01

I just recently adopted a Jack Russell Terrier from the city shelter.  I have had him for 4 days.  When I brought the dog home he was having bowel movements twice a day.  Now, today he has not his morning bowel movement.  Is this normal?

Thanks for all of your help.


Lynn -

Once a day is fine... in fact sometimes they will skip a day. As long as you have him on a good quality dog food and are making sure he has access to plenty of clean water he should be fine.  Having the runs would be much more of a problem than this since that can dehydrate a small dog very quickly.

Best of luck - I sure hope you have some terrier experience or at least plan to take him to obedience classes. Terriers can be a handful in the wrong household. My Jack has responded very well and loves to learn.  He's not doing agility.
