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Temperature at Whelping

20 11:27:07

Hi there, I have a question in regards to the temperature change at whelping time..My girl is due in about 6 days and this morning I had to give her a bath , about an hour later it was time to take her temperature and it showed slightly below 98 degrees F..It has risen back up to 99.4...The water was lukewarm but could it of made such a difference in her temperature to that degree? Thank you so much..Diana  

Hello Diana
You would really be much better conferring with your veterinary surgeon than waiting for a reply from the internet!  I am not sure why you are regularly taking her temperature or even bathing her at this late stage of her pregnancy.  Best at this time to let the bitch just settle and quiet.  I will only take a temperature of a bitch once she has started ripping up the bedding for nesting.  Then the drop in temperature (to about 98F) will tell me that she is in the first stage of whelping which could last for up to 24 hours!  I never bother to take the temperature again once I know she has dropped.  Then I monitor her carefully - never leaving her or if I have to leaving CCTV so that I can watch her from the office or house.