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sniffing during agility

20 11:22:17

My now almost 2 yr old Westie is now really having a sniffing problem during agility.  I will tend to lose him unless we are running very fast.  Not always possible in standard.  I'm desperate.  Any ideas?

I am hoping I interpret this right, Cherri. Do you mean he goes off with his nose to the ground sniffing and hunting instead of paying attention ?? (I'm hoping you're not meaning that while doing an agility run he starts getting the sniffles !).

It's tough to keep something fun enough to outweigh the hunting instincts - and factor in that these events are at places the dogs don't go to every day, and that makes it even more interesting.

The only things I can think of are to get her out and about before his run enough so he's kind of settled in and bored with the setting.  That will make the actual run more interesting than the surroundings.

The other thing is that I think I might consider adding some extra incentives in once in a while when practicing - depending on what turns her on.  Connor, my jack russell will do anything for a piece of cheese unless there's a rat in an earthdog tunnel nearby.  I've had to back up a little in the process once in a while to get him "jazzed" about it again ... I've also done what our trainer calls "have a party" once in a while... lots of excited voice and about 20-30 seconds of continuous treating with tiny bits.

I always hate to think that I would have to rely on treats to reinterest him, but he just goes a little sour once in a while.  Actually, he gets bored and his eyes just tune out.  Then I realize that it's just one of the tools involved in giving him pleasure.

I am just talking off the top of my head here because I do not train agility, just learn it, but these are the things I thought of.  Hope they help you come up with some new ideas that fit your dog's personality.
