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destructive behavior

20 11:24:10

I have  9 month old yorkie poo. We got him when he was 8 weeks old. He is so hiper. I do have to crate him three days a week, as I work, and besides, if I leave him alone for even 10 seconds he will chew his way out, right through the sheetrock.

He has chewed my kitchen cabnets, the walls, my dining room chairs, and when I smack him with, what I call, the smacky pad, he just does it again a minute later. He has damaged so much in my house, I don't know what to do with him. He can't even sit still when we pet him, he races round the house for about an hour, then rests for a minute, then races around again, for another hour. He is so uncontrolable, we can't even enjoy him.
I thought of giving him to someone but I do love him, and I want to try everything before I finally give up. He also eats his own fices, it makes me sick. He goes on a wee wee pad, and as soon as he goes, I can't even get it up quickenough before he eats it. He does this occasionally, not alot.
Please help!!! I have had to puppy proof my whole house, but he still finds things to destroy. He chews our clothes up, and ruined my brabd new bed quilt, by clawing and biting it every chance he gets. I don't want to give him up, but I am loosing my patience.

Anything you can tell me, please

Ok, well first take a deep breath. I had this issue, but with a bobcat... can you imagine that?

Seeing that he is 9 months old, it is still kind of odd that he would be in 'puppy' stage. There is a thing called Pika, where animals will eat things because they arent recieveing the right  kind or amounts of nutrients.  This could possibly be the situation. In this case, you want to make sure that you are feeding him a good quality food. If you feed him dry give him wet, i personally like pedigree. You may even want to cook up some ground meat. you can get it relatively inexpensive if you buy it on sale or buy ground chuck or turkey.  Another thing to do is to make sure he has plenty of toys. Take him to the pet store with you and have him pick out some toys he may like. according to what you are saying, he enjoys chewing, so perhaps buy him a medium soft bone and perhaps a toy with a squeeker in it a soft body and rope legs or something. find ways to keep him interested in his toys as opposed to chewing things up around the house. when you see him chewing on something he shouldnt, try not to hit him. I know its SUPER hard to do, but dogs, especially yorkeis, (i have 5 ) will respond much better to positive reinforcement. When he is chewing up a cabinet or something like that,  tell him no, but then hand him one of his toys.... tell him good boy and maybe even give him a treat. you can clicker train him too... same concept, except you really have to be dedicated to the training system. You can buy a clicker at your pet store, just ask them. But pretty much the concept is that every time the dog does something you like, you click the clicker a few times so the dog knows precisely what it was he was doing, and then you reward him. So, everytime he is playing with his toys, as opposed to be destructive, you click the clicker and praise him and give him a treat.

Another option is that you may consider buying another puppy. i know it may seem crazy and too much work, but youd be surprised as to how much they would occupy eachother, and be less destructive. dogs become destructive when they get bored. they arnt trying to be bad, just trying to find something to do.  Thats what I did, and it was the best thing i could have ever done....

with him eatting his poo, its so important that you dont put his face in it. alot of people will put the dogs nose in the poo and the dog will begin to develop a taste for it. you can go to your petstore and buy a product that you put in their food which will make thier poo taste really bad (as opposed to it tasting good? lol) its very cheap and it works.

one last solution is that there are these herbal, organic pills/treats you can give him called chill pills. they are made out of trptopan which is a natural hormone, that causes sleepiness.... most commonly found in turkey. i have these handy whenever my dogs get too crazy, and it just makes them relax. nothing offensive or harsch. hopes this helps!

Miss petxpert