Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Terriers > Not Sure if my dog is Jack Russell or Fox Terrier?

Not Sure if my dog is Jack Russell or Fox Terrier?

20 11:20:10

How can you tell if your dog is Fox Terrier or Jack Russell or Both?


Here are the links to the AKC descriptions - I included the toy fox just in case.

Fox terrier - come in smooth and wire coated. Notice the length of the nose - it's pretty long on these guys

Toy fox - these look a lot more like Jacks (Parsons)

Parsons (Jack) russell:  These guys are a little bigger, but have flopped ears and are just a lot more rugged. They also tend to be much less nervous than a toy fox.  There are shorter bloodlines of the jacks - called "puddin's" too, but they remain a more rugged looking dog.

Hope this helps
