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My sanity

20 11:19:03

About a week ago I adopted a Toy Fox Terrier from the pound. We have a small male deer Chihuahua and wanted another one. She is very sweet and loving but I cannot potty train her!! Nothing helps, I cannot make her go to the bathroom outside at all. I wait and wait she will smell everything but never go. A little while after we get inside, she will go in the house. She is about a year old. We have praised her the few occasions she has gone outside and reprimanded her when she goes inside. We walk them at least once an hour. We walk her alone and with him, he will go she will not. I worry she feels that going potty is bad cause I can't reward her for going outside when she won't. I take her on a leash. Everything distracts her. The problem is getting worse. She goes more and more in the house. What am I doing wrong cause I've tried the bell, walking her every 15 minutes, changing her meal times.. she will always wait till she's back inside. I don't want to get rid of her I love her but my carpet can only take so much and I work very early in the morning and I can't keep up with it all. PLEASE HELP or my girlfriend will make me take her back!!

 All I can say is crate, crate, crate.  When outside and you just don't want to stand out there with her, put her in an exercise pen.  Then she is out for 20 mins.  Bring her in with a lead attached.  Let her drag it around.  If you catch her pottying in the house, DO NOT WAIT TILL SHE IS DONE....Big mistake.  Tell her NO NO NO while holding on the lead to take her outside. There she can finish OR she can go in the X-pen. Always praise when she is doing good.   

Be consistent.

Hope this helps.