Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > will my pug pup be as big as her dad

will my pug pup be as big as her dad

20 10:51:43

i recently went to see my female pug pup[6wks]I got a shock when i saw the father,he Was very big for a pug! the mother is lovely and small.She had a litter of 6 and i picked a large girl because the mother had to have a c-section and i was told that could happen with one of the small ones. please please help

There is no way of knowing how big your little girl will be but since you choose a "big un" that just may be what you end up with. How big are her feet? That is a fair indication too.

I would strongly recommend that you spay your puppy as soon as she is old enough. If that father is that big she will probably produce oversized pugs and the standard is 14-18 pounds.

thanks and good luck.