Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > voice/barking/compatability/weight & height

voice/barking/compatability/weight & height

20 10:52:17

Hi....I would like to get a female pug pup next year and was wondering A. Do they have anoying yuppy toy dog barks like chi's or yorkies or shituzs?  

B. Are they barky?  Do they yup indoors? and this pup would be crated or penned when I'm working and would be continued to be crated after its potty trained when I'm working are pugs ok with this?

and C. I have other dogs are pugs compatible with other dogs?

lastly How tall do pugs get at the shoulder blade and how heavy?

Thank you

A. No they typically are not yappy. Their voices are not irritating at all usually.
B. Whether they cry when they are crated is an individual thing. I would not crate them anymore than you absolutely have to as they live for their people and it is not fair to any dog.
C. They usually get along very nicely with other dogs but again that is an individual thing and also depends on if they have been raised with other dogs.
D. They should weigh between 14 and 20 pounds and they should be about 12 inches at the shoulder but this will depend on their breeding.

Good Luck