Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > RE: Heat stroke

RE: Heat stroke

20 10:52:45

Thanks Jessica it did help some. My husband and I both work all day so we kept our dogs, Max our pug and Zeek our mini-schnauzer inside with the AC on while we were gone. They probably got outside about 3 or 4 times a day for 10 or 15 mins at a time. Not much but it's tough with us both working. My parents said that he was laying right near the water dish most of the trip and kept drinking out of it. They said they kept it full also. As far as the vet parents had turned the car around and brought him to the vet as soon as they realized he wasn't moving. The vet was only about a minute down the road. My mom called as soon as they got there. The vet told her they could do an autopsy but I told them no, I was just so upset. I just wanted my parents to take him home and bury him. I feel like maybe we should have taken care of him better but you never expect it will happen to you. I guess the only other thing I would like to know is do you think he suffered much? Thank you for your help.  

Hi again. Well, since I don't know how he really died, I cannot tell you honestly whether or not he suffered much. But if he wan't complaining before the fact or letting your parents know something was wrong, then no I do not think he suffered much. You did the best you could, and I pride you on that. It would have been nice to have gotten the autopsy, just to know, but it's fine either way. You still have the joy in knowing no matter what, he's happy where he is now also.