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pug death

20 10:51:02

Our precious pug Dalilah went in to get her teath cleaned and a shampoo and did not survive.  She has always been terrified of the vet since she was well aware that this was the place where she got shots, anal glands drained, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, etc.  She dreaded this place and would start to shake as soon ast we entered the building.  She was put under for the teeth cleaning and the doctor called us after the procedure saying that she was awake and doing well.  Shortly after he called saying that when he went back to check on her she was dead.  We are devistated about this and will never know what really caused this.  Could she have died from trauma, a heart attack or could she have had trouble breathing from being so stressed out.  I am searching for some answer as to what could have happened to her and if this has happened to other pugs. She was only 9 yrs. old and had at least 5 more years with us.


Sorry to hear of your loss!!!

I think it is impossible to tell what happened.  I think it was probably the stress of it all.  I don't think there is anything you or the vet could have done.

9 years old is getting up there in age.  Her heart may have been weak or maybe she didn't handle the anesthesia.  There is always a risk when it comes to anesthesia.

Again, sorry for your loss!!!

Christine Puetz