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My Pugs Skin

20 10:52:05

QUESTION: My pug has pimply skin and flaky dandruff.  The vets are telling me he's allergic to flea bites.  We have no fleas.  Our other dogs had mites.  Could it be a mite allergy?  They scraped him and said he didn't have the one kind of mites they check for, but perhaps he was allergic to another kind?  Anyway, his spirits are good but he's constantly biting because of his dry flaky skin.  The pimples have just developed over the past week. I just want to give him something to relieve his itching.  I hear Benadryl can be used but he's a pug and has had wheezing problems in the past.  He's only 3 years old!

ANSWER: Our pugs weigh between 13 and 20 pounds. We give the ones that have allergies one to three benadryl per day to help with the itching and licking their feet. We have seen no adverse reactions to the benadryl and have given it to them for years. I have been told by vets that the worst it will do is make them sleepy but have not observed that either.

What kind of mites did your other dogs have? If they were demodectic mites, they are not contagious. If they were sarcoptic mites, they are highly contagious. If they were ear mites, they are also highly contagious. I think I have heard they can be allergic to flea saliva, so if the flea jumps on them it could cause a reaction.

Where his pimples? If they are on his muzzle, it could be the type of food dish you use.

Have you bathed him with a moisterizing shampoo? An oatmeal shampoo?

Unfortunately there are just too many variables for me to be of much use to you. If you want to get back with me about my questions, I will do my best to help you figure this out.

Thanks and good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My pugs pimply skin is especially around is neck area.  I can see that he almost has psoriasis looking skin underneath his fur.  He has lost quite a lot of fur also.  Our other dogs had ear mites but the vet said his ears looked fine.  He shakes his head frequently though.  I have bathed him with Benzyoyl (sp?) peroxide shampoo the vet gave me.  His fur seems kind of oily now and it's only been about 3 days since his last bath.  I read something about sebaceous dandruff or something and I'm thinking that may be part of his problem.  He may have been allergic to the fleas/bites.  We gave him monthly Advantage about a week ago.  He was due for his Frontline but vet wanted to switch him in case he was having an adverse reaction to that.  Not sure if it's helping with anything due to the fact that he's still shaking his head, has a lot of dandruff and I can see the psorias-looking skin and he has pimples around his neck area.  I'm feeding him Pedigree puppy food can and Pedigree dry.  He also has an occasional puppy biscuit.  His food was Pedigree for adult dogs, but after all this, I switched him over to the puppy stuff - figured it was less harmful to his system.  I'm just frustrated because this is costing us so much at the worst time of the year.  I will probably try the Benadryl and hopefully he'll at least be more comfortable.  Thanks.  Hope this helps.


Pedagree is not the best food out there especially if your pet has allergies.

I would recommend getting a second opinion from another vet.

Also, I have been told by numerous vets, if one pet has ear mites, they all should be treated for it as they most probably all have mites.

Other then a second vet opinion, I don't have any further ideas.
