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Mix Breeding Pugs

20 10:51:53

How do you mix breed Pug's? With a Jack Russel and a Pug you get a Jug, my true question is does it matter if the female is the Jack Russel and the male is the Pug or the other way around... ?

If the male and female are the same size, I would not think it matters which breed is the male or female. Just make sure the female is large enough that she can birth the head size of the puppies.

BUT, with SO many homeless purebreds...even pugs, why would you want to bring mutts (sorry, I don't mean that to sound harsh) into the world. Shelters and rescues are full to capacity and so many pets are killed needlessly every single day. We have 18 purebred pugs here right now that need homes and we cannot find good quality homes for them.

Please think carefully about bringing more puppies into this world when there are thousands that die every day.

Thanks and good luck.