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strange bumps on pugs belly

20 10:52:12

My pug is about 7 months old and is a male and fawn, lastnight he was
sleeping next to me sprawled out and snoring- typical pug. I noticed a black
spot on his upper belly near his chest. Its a bump with a hole inside, there is
black inside and what looks like skin inbetween. i examined him further and
noticed the same on his other side left and right. i squeezed it nd little piece
of the black came out but its hard to tell what it is. it felt hard but was very
small. any idea what this could be? have you seen this before?

I wonder if it is one of his little boy boobies. I have a pug that I sometimes can get stuff like that from his. I would have your vet check it out when you have him neutered but I think they are kind of like little black heads.

Thanks and Good Luck