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Pug Urinating on carpet behavior/ physical problem?

20 10:50:56

We adopted a pug several years ago, she is 9 yrs old now.  Our pug started urinating on the carpet(before it as in out baby's room, now near her bed) when she didn't do that before.  We live in an apt but walk her 3-4 times a day.  Several things have change since we've adopted her.  We relocated out of state, and had a baby (now 19 months later).  What I would like to ask is this a behavior issue or more of a physical issue.


At 9 years old, it very well could be physical.  It maybe that to a small extent, but now she has "learned" to go inside.

It is always hard to break a bad habit than to learn a good one.

Maybe you try some doggie pads that is close to her bed.  You need to try to train her to go in a GOOD place.  At this age, maybe it needs to be inside if she is having trouble holding it.

Christine Puetz