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near death heat stroke

20 10:52:27

5 days ago my 9 yr old pug had a near fatal heat stroke in the car on a road trip . as soon as we seen she was in trouble we found the nearest vet when we arrived ( 5 min ) her temp was 106 and he started iv and put achol on her w/ a fan to cool her off fast. it took 2 hrs but the valuim and bath got her temp down to 98 and we made the trip back home ok. my question is now after 5 days she is still laboring to breath and seems to have any desire to do anything except go out and do her thing and back inside where it is cool. I can see hr back legs are not as good as they were and am wondering if she is suffering much and do I make an apointment w/her doctor and ask the question you dont want to ask . should I have her put to sleep .

Depending how much damage she suffered from the heart stroke...she may come out of this fine or she may not. I would get her to your Vet as soon as possible to have her evaluated. I have seen one senior pug survive 106 degree temp with no complications.