Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > 1 year old male pug with lump on his side

1 year old male pug with lump on his side

20 10:52:07

my pug is a year old a few days ago my husband noticed that he had a lump/pimple on his front side just below his front leg socket.  today I noticed that it had been bleeding a little, however he made have scrached it.  It does not seem to bother him.  He is still acting and eating the same.  Any idea what this could be.

My first thought was has he had a vaccination recently but that does not sound like a vaccination site.

I would get him check by your vet as soon as possible. Best case scenario is it is nothing. Worst case it could be a mast cell tumor which is cancer. Again, I would have him checked by your vet.

Good luck.