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to much hair

20 10:52:15

i have a 13month old pug named Priscilla and i love her to pieces, she has had some pimple problems over the last 7 months one becoming a lump and we had to get it removed. Priscilla drops so much hair, i will wash her and then brush her but it still keeps coming off her, there are no bold patches and ive asked my vet about it, she has told me its changing coats for the season, but this happens all year round. Ive changed shampoo's but its still happening i dont know what else to do or should i be useing somthing else on her coat.

Pugs shed every day of their life. One way to help a tiny bit is good nutrition. Do not purchase the cheapest food you can find. If you walk around barefoot and think you have a splinter in  your is probably a pug kidding.

Just brush her and love her and ignore the shedding as best you can. Also a tool call a furminator is INCREDIBLE for stripping the loose hair out. We got ours from an online pet store but you can get them from your local pet store as well.

Good Luck.