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Broken Nail

20 10:52:36

Hi Jessica,

My female pug, got her nail caught. I was not home at the time, when I came home I saw the blood and then saw her nail, it is hanging and it looks like you can see the tenden. Or the vein, not sure what it is. I cleaned it and wrapped it in gauze. But I don't know if I should just cut it off, or keep bandaging it untill the nail grows out. Please help!
Thanks, Jennifer

Hi Jennifer. You've done a great job in taking care of your pug's claw. It's a good idea to keep it clean until it heals. The nail will grow back, so you should probably just clip it off. My jack russel terrier's dew claw ripped off twice, and after clipping it off, it's grown back every time. Just remember, keep cleaning it and everything will work out fine.

And good job on taking such good care of it so far. I can tell you make a great pet owner.
