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limping 6 month pug

20 10:50:17

I noticed my six month old puppy has been limping a little when he walks. He limps a great deal right after he gets up. What could be causing this? Could I be over exercising him? I walk him twice a day for 30 minute-1 hour sessions. Thank you. I appreciate any feedback/advice


I assume you believe this is not from an injury.  If it is from an injury, you should see improvement soon.

At his age, this could be from hip or spinal problems.  Pugs are prone to these problems and it usually shows up around 6 months old.

It would be good to cut back on his exercising and see if that helps.  If not, it would be good to see a vet.

If the break from exercising helps, then start back at shorter durations.  Then add back slowly.  Hopefully this will help.

Christine Puetz