Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > diarrhea


20 10:50:58

QUESTION: I have a 6 year old male Pug that seems to have really bad diarrhea. He seems to poo within minutes of eating. Since he doesn't seem to be keeping any food in him, he is losing weight. What could be wrong with him? Does he possibly have an infection?

ANSWER: Amanda,

You should have your vet test a stool sample.  There are several things it could be.  It may be as simple as getting him on a de-wormer.  Most likely your vet will be able to give him something that will help.

Christine Puetz

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My dad told me that it's not just my 6 year old Pug. He said it's 2 of our other dogs as well. Could it possibly be that the dog food is too strong?


Have you changed food?  A change of food can cause a loose stool but usually not severe diarrhea.  

Your dogs could have a worm problem, coccidia or giardia.  

You could try changing food, but if it doesn't clear up soon, you should see your vet.  

Make sure they drink a lot of water and if they seem to be getting worse, see a vet right away.  You do not want them to get dehydrated.

Christine Puetz