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stubborn male pug

20 10:50:52

We have an 8 mth old male pug and he has been very difficult to housebreak. Every now and then he does very well when we take him outside but sometimes he will hold it all day. We will take him out and go to the same spot and stay for atleast 15 or 20 mins and as soon as we walk in the house he will go straight to the hallway and poop!! He also goes into our bedroom and pees on our bed! We have to keep all the doors shut! He will also pee on the couch and chairs!
We just got a 6 wk old female pug and she will whine when she has to go potty, so she does very well and we thought this would help him bc he knows you get a treat when you poop outside. He is very jealous of her and his acting out has gotten worse! What should we do?


Breaking a dog of a bad habit is probably the hardest thing to do.  Unfortunately your pug has learned to go in the wrong places.

You could try removing the environment that he is use to.  Limit the areas that he is allowed in.  Take a few days and watch him constantly.  Every time he starts to go, tell him NO and take him outside.  He needs a heavy dose of intense training.

Don't give up - just be diligent and he will come around.

Christine Puetz