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My pugs ears

20 10:50:41

I have a 3 year old pug and he does not suffer from ear infections but what he does suffer from is the very edge of his ears get swollen.  We have ruled out allergic reactions to dog food as well as ear mites, etc.  It seems that when we leave him at home alone or take him for a long car ride, he gets very worked up and starts to whine and cry, this makes the very edge of his ears swell and crack causing the ears to bleed along the very edge. If there is any thing that you can suggest , it would be much appreciated.  Thank you very much


I have never heard of that happening to a dog.

Have you thought about getting him a playmate so he doesn't have to be at home alone?  That may even help when you go on trips.

The only other thing I can suggest, it that you refrain from taking him on long trips and get a dog sitter or take him (only short distance) to a doggy daycare.

Hope that helps,
Christine Puetz