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Alpha Pug Dominance

20 10:51:07

I have an 8 month old male neutered pug, who we are struggling to train. We know he understands every command because he always does them before meals.
But lately he has begun barking randomly for no reason, not coming when he is called (if there is an option of running away while outside) and also trying to go through doors first all the time.
I have tried treating him each time he comes to the command and pushing him back so that he can't get past on the stairs/through doors...but it is very difficult. From the books I have read, it seems like he thinks he is the alpha male - how can i change this?



I think you just need some heavy duty training.  Train, train, train.  And be consistant.  

The only way you will be able to change is behavior is to make obeying you good for him and not obeying you bad.

Don't ever reward bad behavior.  Give lots of love when he obeys!!!

You could also add some planned training sessions where you teach him that YOU are the boss (the alpha).

Hope that helps,
Christine Puetz