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my 2 year old male pug

20 10:51:48

I know this sounds a bit crazy but im wondering if dogs can be gay? I have a 2 year old intact male pug a 3 year old intact female pug and a 8 week old intact pitbull male. My 3 year old pug female is in heat and the male will not hump her at all she is not aggressive she stands for it but he does nothing except for lick her. But the other day i heard my pitbull yelping really loud in the other room and i went in to find my 2 year old pug locked into his anus i tried to get them apart but it took several minutes. Im not really sure whats going on this cant be normal

Well, you have an intact male and a female in heat. He is frustrated and she is not cooperating.

Usually if a male or female mounts another dog of the same gender it is a dominance issue, not sexual. But you have all the trappings of a disaster.

Your puppy could be seriously injured.

I would recommend neutering your male and spaying your female. There are hundreds of thousands of unwanted pets euthanized every day.

Thanks and good luck.