Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > is a boy jug puppy a good companion for my 17mth boy pug x cavalier?

is a boy jug puppy a good companion for my 17mth boy pug x cavalier?

20 10:50:51

Hi, we have a fantastic pet in our 17mth old pug x king charles. He is extremely laid back, loves his cuddles and snuggles as well as play time and fairly log walks. My friend (against my advice) got a jug pup which is now 12wks, very soon after having a baby (already has an older child too). Long story short, is getting rid of the dog as things aren't working out - baby is allergic possibly. I feel we could give their puppy a good home, but am concerned about whether or not having 2 boys, the oldest of which is already 'established' here together. We both work, though I come back for an hour each day for lunch and take our dog out, but the two of them would be on their own from 8 til 12 then 2 til 6...? any advice? (I'm just not sure what'll happen to this dog if we don;t take it in)


I think you should try it.  If both male dogs are neutered, you shouldn't have any trouble.  It could also work if they are not neutered, but it would be much easier if they are neutered.

Your dog will most likely be king of the house.  The puppy will learn his place.

If you try it and it doesn't work out, I would think it wouldn't be hard to find a home for him.

Hope it works out for you!!!
Christine Puetz