Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > optimal breeding age?

optimal breeding age?

20 10:52:36

Dear Jessica,
I want to buy a pug puppy from a lady down the street.  However, she says that the mother pug is just a bit over one year old. what is the optimal age to breed a pug?

                                      Ken M

Hi Ken!

Males are sexually mature at 6 months of age but may still have a low sperm count. Females can't be bred until they're at least 2 years of age, but no more than 6 years. If bred before 2 years of age, they're not mature enough and it can cause complications. Breeding is VERY complicated. You have to know the signs the female is in heat, and once she shows them it has a variance of 1-21 days before she will start breeding and 1-17 days is the variance of how long she will allow breeding. Then you have to know how to tell she is pregnant, how long she will be, what the right care, food, etc. is during that time, know how to find the right whelping spot, know when she is ready to have pups and what to expect during labor so you can call the vet or act in time to save a pup or the mom if complications arise, how to take care of her and the pups after labor, when to wean, vaccinate, etc. the pups, and how to sell them.  All these steps are, vital and please, for the safety of your dog and the pups don't breed until you know all those steps. If you are not sure of something, or have more questions, you are welcome to ask a follow-up and I'll try to help you as best as possible!
