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My girlfriends pug Duncan

20 10:51:57

My girlfriend discovered her Pug Duncan could not use his back legs today.  He cannot walk she immediately took him to the vet who prescribed anti inflammatory's and told her to bring him back on Tuesday.  It is breaking her heart to see him this way.  He was not hurt he did not fall nothing like that. Are there any know genetic things about Pugs. I told her my opinion was something spinal but, I don't know she is just very upset and I am trying to figure out if I can help her in anyway.  Thanks Cheryl

Poor Duncan. I can understand your friends distress. He could have hurt his back simply jumping off of furniture. It is common for pugs to hurt their backs jumping off of furniture or the bed. I would not let him jump off of anything in the future. Get steps for the bed and furniture. She can help him go potty by using a towel around his belly to hold him up while he goes. Also, their are wheel chairs for pets too. Search on the Internet.

He will most probably come out of this once the inflammation goes down. Try to keep him as quiet as you can.

Thanks and good luck and Kisses to sweet Duncan.