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Diesel our JRT/Pug mix =Jug

20 10:51:56

Hi, We have a male Jug named Diesel. He will be 3 years old this May. Most of his life he has on and off skin issues. He has the area between his toes cracked, red and raw. If I put vitamin E on (and he does not lick it off) daily they start to get better. As soon as I miss they get irritated all over again. A new issue, he always slept under the covers near our feet every night. The last 4 days he is terrified of being under the covers. He will sit and shiver and look around like he sees something we don't. He acts like he is depressed and will go sit in a corner looking sooo sad. This is very unusual because he is always sitting on us or near us. I know this issue sounds strange but we would appreciate any advice on the toe problem.
Thank you, Ebby

I am not a vet nor a vet tech. But have you had him check for allergies or a bacterial infection? I would think he needs an antibiotic for his feet. Was he ever a puppy mill dog that lived on wire? They can get draining sores from that sometimes for the rest of their life.

His fear of being under the covers is another issue. Usually when they shake or shiver they are either cold, scared or in pain. If a pugs tail is down and stays down, that means they are in pain. With a Jug...I really don't know due to being a mixed breed. I don't know much about JRT except they can be hyper.

I would get him thoroughly checked over by a very good veterinarian.

Thanks and good luck. I would be interested in knowing what you find out.