Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pugs > my 9mths old pug lost the use of his back legs

my 9mths old pug lost the use of his back legs

20 10:50:39

My 9mths old pug lost the use of his back legs just for a minute he had been sleeping, got up and started barking cause he heard me coming in the door but couldn't greet me because he feel over and it appeared that his back legs gave way. he lay there while i rubbed his legs then he got back up and seemed fine, he also didn't appear to be in any pain, can you tell me what could have caused this and what is the likelihood of it happening again.



Pugs are prone to spinal problems.  Not all pug, but some.  Because they have been bred to have a curl tail, sometimes the genetics that make the tail curled, can cause spinal problems.

Hopefully, this will be something that doesn't get worse.  If you notice that he starts having trouble walking or standing, you should see your vet.

Christine Puetz